Jdbc:informix-sqli:// : / :INFORMIXSERVER= The Firebird JCA-JDBC Driver is bundled in a jaybird JAR file which is available as part of the Firebird download Jdbc:firebirdsql:// : / ?user= &password=
You can download Cloudscape and this driver from this page The Cloudscape Embedded JDBC Driver is included with the Cloudscape product. Jdbc:pointbase://embedded: / ?user= &password= Jdbc:inetpool:inetora: ?database= &user= &password= &sid= Jdbc:inetdae: : ?database= ?user= &password= Jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver:// : databaseName= ?user= &password= Here is a list of JDBC drivers with links where to download them, and how to connect to them (*)- stands for commercial drivers DriverĬom. We have however noticed that the databases themselves are an issue? How do I download a driver and how do I access it?
Data Driven testing is a strong feature ini soapUI, especially in ReadyAPI where you have the DataSource TestStep available for connecting to a database.